Often, our clients facing DWI, traffic, or other criminal charges have little experience with the law. They are looking for reliable answers and helpful information. Here, our experienced attorneys share articles exploring a number of topics related to criminal charges in North Carolina to help you more fully understand your legal situation, including DWI, speeding, reckless driving, license suspension and revocation, license reinstatement, misdemeanors, felonies, record expungement, and more.
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Common Traffic Violations, Penalties, and Long-Term Consequences of a ConvictionDid you get a traffic ticket in Charlotte? Browning & Long’s experienced lawyers discuss common traffic violations, penalties, and how we can defend you.
Why You Shouldn’t Talk With Police Without RepresentationThere are reasons not to talk with police pre- or post-arrest. Our Charlotte criminal defense lawyers explain how speaking to them can hurt your case.
What You Need to Know If Charged With Reckless Driving in Mecklenburg CountyReckless driving is a misdemeanor in N.C. Our Charlotte reckless driving lawyers explain these charges, the steps in your case, and the penalties if convicted.
What You Need to Know About Obstruction of Justice Crimes and PunishmentsObstruction of justice is a serious offense. Our Charlotte defense lawyers explain this crime, the possible penalties, and how to protect your rights.
Are You Eligible for an Expungement in Charlotte?If you have been charged with, arrested for, or convicted of a crime, contact our Charlotte expungement lawyers to assist you in clearing your criminal record.
Child Pornography Crimes and Penalties in North CarolinaWhat is child pornography in North Carolina? Learn what crimes you could be charged with committing and the sentence you face if you are convicted.
Tactics the Police Could Use to Get You to Confess to Committing a CrimeThe police could try to trick you into confessing even if you are innocent. Learn what tactics they may employ and how to protect against being tricked by them.
How the Police Conduct Criminal Investigations Before ArrestThe police may conduct a pre-arrest criminal investigation before charging you with a crime. Learn what techniques they may use to build a case against you.
What You Need to Know About Vehicle Seizures in DWI Cases in CharlotteThe police may be able to seize and sell your vehicle when arresting you for DWI in NC. Find out how the forfeiture process works and how to get your car back.
What Offenses Could You Be Charged With If You Assault a Law Enforcement Official or Other Government Official?Assaulting a police officer or other government official is a felony in North Carolina. What sentence could you face if you’re convicted of one of these crimes?
What You Need to Know If You’re Charged With Identity Theft in CharlotteIdentity theft is a felony in North Carolina. Here, learn what this crime is, the penalties you face if convicted, and the steps to protect your legal rights.
Common Pre-Trial Motions That You May Want to Use to Fight Your DWI Charges in CharlotteYou may need to file a pre-trial motion in your DWI case. Find out what motions are filed in these cases and how they can help you fight the charges you face.