Traffic violations are much more serious than you might realize. And even if you committed the offense, pleading guilty without first consulting an experienced Charlotte traffic lawyer might cause more problems for your case. At Browning & Long, PLLC, our sharp legal team consists of former assistant district attorneys who have prosecuted thousands of traffic offenses. You can count on our knowledge and negotiation skills to achieve the best possible outcome in your traffic violation case

Common Charlotte Traffic Violations and Penalties

Top Traffic Violations and Penalties

Motorists face harsh penalties and hidden costs for traffic violations in North Carolina. If you were issued a traffic ticket, our team helps you know what to expect and how to make the right decisions for your case. Here are the most common traffic violations.

1. Speeding

Speeding is a top violation. North Carolina has an “absolute” speed limit law, which means that you could be guilty of speeding by going even one mile over the posted speed limit. Here are the typical penalties you face:

  • Exceeding the posted limit under 80 mph. Your ticket fines vary based on how many mph you traveled over the speed limit, roughly $10–$50. You’re also responsible for court costs, which range from $150–$250 depending on the offense.
  • Driving 16 mph over the speed limit or more than 80 mph. This is a much more serious violation. If you’re found guilty, you’ll be charged with a Class 3 misdemeanor. The punishments can include a jail sentence, large fines and court costs, and driver’s license suspension.
  • Speeding in a construction or school zone. The fine for driving too fast in a construction or school zone is $250 plus court costs.

2. Running a Red Light

If convicted of this violation, you’ll owe a $50 fine and court costs. The charges could be more severe if you caused an accident with personal injuries or property damages.

3. Reckless Driving

Reckless driving under G.S. §20.140 is a Class 2 misdemeanor in North Carolina. You may be found guilty of this crime for the following actions: 

  • Driving in a careless and heedless manner that endangers other individuals.
  • Driving without due caution and at a speed where you endanger or are likely to endanger a person or property.

The state uses a complicated sentencing system that considers many factors, like how severe the offense is and your prior criminal record. The judge could sentence you to:

  • A sentence of up to 60 days in jail 
  • A fine of up to $1,000
  • Driver’s license suspension

4. Hit and Run

You can be charged with a hit and run for:

  • Failing to report an accident
  • Not stopping and remaining at the scene when someone is hurt or killed
  • Failing to provide assistance when an individual is injured
  • Failing to stop when the accident causes property damage. 

This crime is classified as a misdemeanor or felony in our state. If convicted, punishments include:

  • Prison sentence of up to 41 months for a felony conviction or up to 120 days in jail for a misdemeanor offense
  • Hefty fines
  • Driver’s license suspension or revocation

Hidden Costs of a Traffic Violation Can Be Long-Lasting

You should not only consider the punishments you face for a traffic violation in Charlotte when deciding whether to fight the offense. Traffic tickets come with many hidden costs that not only cost you money but affect your life for years to come. Here are some long-term consequences you should know about:

  • A permanent criminal record if you’re convicted of a misdemeanor or felony that can affect your ability to get a job, housing, and more.
  • Points on your driving record which could result in a driver’s license suspension if you accumulate too many points in a relatively short period of time.
  • Driver’s license suspension or revocation. 
  • Dramatically increased auto insurance premiums for years. 

Fortunately, our skilled traffic lawyers at Browning & Long will raise strategic defenses to help you reduce the violation or dismiss it. We may also use approaches such as plea bargains, traffic school attendance, or Prayer for Judgement Continued to lessen your penalties. Throughout your criminal case, we look out for your best interests, clearly explain your options, and help you achieve the best possible results.

Howard W. Long, II
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