Often, our clients facing DWI, traffic, or other criminal charges have little experience with the law. They are looking for reliable answers and helpful information. Here, our experienced attorneys share articles exploring a number of topics related to criminal charges in North Carolina to help you more fully understand your legal situation, including DWI, speeding, reckless driving, license suspension and revocation, license reinstatement, misdemeanors, felonies, record expungement, and more.
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Revoking a Will in North CarolinaEvents like marriage, the birth of a child, or divorce, may mean you need to revoke your North Carolina will to ensure your wishes are fully met.
Contesting a North Carolina WillIf a loved one has left a North Carolina will that you question the validity of, you may be able to initiate a caveat proceeding to contest the will at hand.
Consequences Can Be Severe If Your Teen Commits a Moving Violation While Driving on a Provisional LicenseWill your teen start driving soon in NC? Learn the provisional license stages for teen drivers and the harsh consequences of committing a moving violation.
Understanding Child Abuse Crimes and Penalties in CharlotteChild abuse can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony in North Carolina. Learn about these crimes and the penalties upon conviction here.
Understanding the Burglary Charges You Could Face in CharlotteBurglary is a more serious crime than breaking and entering in North Carolina. Read about different burglary offenses and the harsh sentence you may face.
How to Get Limited Driving Privileges in North Carolina After a License Suspension or DWI ConvictionYour driver’s license may be revoked if you’re convicted of many traffic offenses in North Carolina. Find out if you’re eligible for limited driving privileges.
North Carolina Prostitution Offenses and PenaltiesHave you been arrested for prostitution? Here, we explain misdemeanor and felony prostitution crimes in North Carolina and the penalties you face if convicted.
Failing to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle Is a Serious Offense in North CarolinaFailing to yield to an emergency vehicle in North Carolina can be a misdemeanor or felony offense. Learn more about this crime and the penalties you could face.
Overview of Trusts in North CarolinaShould a trust be included in your estate plan? Contact our attorneys to discuss the pros and cons of creating a trust to fulfill your estate planning goals.
Guardianship of Minor Children in North CarolinaWho will care for your child if you die? Our attorneys can ensure your wishes as to who will raise your child in the event of an unexpected death are heard.
Keep Your Family Informed with a North Carolina HIPAA ReleaseWithout a North Carolina HIPAA Release, federal HIPAA laws could prevent your doctor from speaking with your family about your health care information.
Understanding a North Carolina Health Care Power of AttorneyWho will make health care decisions for you if you are unable to? We can help you appoint a person to do so with a North Carolina health care power of attorney.