Every state takes a somewhat unique approach to traffic laws and corresponding consequences. Our traffic library offers up-to-date, reliable information about state law and your rights. Read about the definitions, consequences, and options when it comes to a wide range of local traffic
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Consequences Can Be Severe If Your Teen Commits a Moving Violation While Driving on a Provisional LicenseWill your teen start driving soon in NC? Learn the provisional license stages for teen drivers and the harsh consequences of committing a moving violation.
What You Need to Know About Getting Limited Driving Privileges After a License Suspension in CharlotteYour driver’s license may be revoked if you’re convicted of many traffic offenses in North Carolina. Find out if you’re eligible for limited driving privileges.
Failing to Yield to an Emergency Vehicle Is a Serious Offense in North CarolinaFailing to yield to an emergency vehicle in North Carolina can be a misdemeanor or felony offense. Learn more about this crime and the penalties you could face.
Traffic Violations Could Cause the Loss of Your Commercial License in North CarolinaAre you a trucker who was issued a traffic ticket in North Carolina? Learn when a traffic violation can result in your CDL being suspended and how we can help.
Reckless Driving and Aggressive Driving Are Separate Serious Traffic Offenses in North CarolinaReckless driving and aggressive driving are serious different misdemeanor offenses in North Carolina. Here, we explain how they differ.
Unlawfully Passing a Stopped School Bus in North CarolinaLearn how the experienced lawyers at Browning & Long can help you avoid the extreme penalties of unlawfully passing a stopped school bus in Charlotte, NC
Defenses That Could Help You Fight a Speeding TicketShould you just pay your speeding ticket? Here, we discuss defenses that may result in the ticket being dismissed or reduced to a lesser offense.
Consequences for Speeding Tickets in North Carolina May Be More Serious Than You ThinkGetting a speeding ticket in North Carolina may be more serious than you think. Learn about common speeding tickets you could be issued and possible penalties.
North Carolina Traffic Violations: Common Offenses and the Serious Penalties You Could FaceHave you been charged with a traffic offense in North Carolina? Learn the common traffic violations you may be convicted of and the serious penalties you face.
Hit and Run Laws and Penalties in North Carolina ExplainedLearn the legal consequences of failing to stop at the scene of an accident in North Carolina. Learn about hit-and-run violations, penalties, and what to do next
Penalties for Speeding in a School Zone in Charlotte North CarolinaDiscover the penalties for speeding in a school zone in Charlotte, including license points, insurance increases, and fines. Avoid costly consequences—read more
North Carolina Driver’s License Suspensions and Point SystemLearn how North Carolina’s point system leads to driver’s license suspensions. Understand traffic violations, point values, and how to protect your driving record