Steps to Take if You’re Carrying a Gun and Pulled Over by the Police

If you have a firearm in your vehicle and are pulled over by the police, it's essential to handle the situation calmly to protect your legal rights and stay safe. If you take the wrong actions, the situation can quickly become dangerous, and you might face additional criminal charges. At Browning & Long, our North Carolina criminal defense lawyers know of many cases when people took the wrong actions and circumstances dangerously escalated. So we recommend you follow these steps. 

Pull Over Safely

Find a safe spot to stop, ideally in a well-lit area. Use your turn signal to indicate your intentions to the officer so they know you’re complying with their request and aren't trying to flee the scene.

Keep Your Hands Visible 

Once stopped, keep your hands on the steering wheel where the officer can see them. This action helps demonstrate that you’re not a threat. In addition, avoid making sudden movements that could cause the police to become alarmed or suspicious.

Tell the Police About Your Concealed Weapon 

If you’re carrying a concealed weapon and have a permit, inform the officer immediately. You’re required to do this by law and could face fines if you don't disclose this. 

Cooperate With the Officer's Instructions 

Follow the officer’s directives without argument or hesitation. This includes showing your permit and getting out of your vehicle if requested. By cooperating, you can help de-escalate the situation and avoid being charged with other crimes, such as resisting arrest.

Remain Silent 

Assert your right to remain silent beyond providing necessary information such as your name, driver's license, vehicle registration, proof of insurance, and permit details. Avoid making any other statements because the police could use them against you in a criminal case. Politely state that you wish to speak to a lawyer before answering further questions.

How Browning & Long Can Help if You're Charged With Violating North Carolina's Concealed Weapons Law

You don't have to go it alone if you were arrested for illegally transporting a gun in your car. One of your first steps should be to contact us. Here’s what we can do: 

  • Evaluate your case. We’ll review your case in detail, examining all the evidence and identifying any procedural errors or constitutional rights violations by the police during the traffic stop or arrest. We won't overlook any details, giving you the best chance for a favorable outcome.
  • Provide personalized legal support. We understand that every case is unique and requires a personalized approach. We take the time to listen to your concerns and answer your questions.
  • Raise your defenses. Our attorneys know you could have strong defenses even if you believe you’re guilty, and we’ll develop a defense strategy specific to your situation. We also try to challenge the evidence being used against you and poke holes in the prosecutor's case to show that they cannot meet their burden of proving your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. 
  • Protect your rights. We’re seriously committed to ensuring that your constitutional rights are protected throughout the legal process and will be with you every step of the way. If your rights are violated, we may be able to suppress evidence being used against you.
  • Negotiate a plea bargain. If it's in your best interests, we'll try to negotiate a favorable plea agreement with the prosecutor where the charges are reduced, or you receive a lighter sentence. 

Additionally, if it’s beneficial to your case, we’ll defend you at a jury trial by presenting compelling evidence that supports your defenses.

Howard W. Long, II
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Charlotte Criminal Defense and DWI Lawyer
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